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  2. Website Essentials Hosting

What is the difference between Website Essentials Standard and Pro?

Website Essentials Pro offers substantial benefits that increase the speed, security, and reliability of your website.

Our Website Essentials Standard and Pro packages provide fully managed website hosting that is fast, secure, and reliable. While both are great options, Pro offers some substantial upgrades that most businesses will find essential in the hosting of their website.

Storage & Bandwidth

Pro double your storage from 10 GB to 20 GB and bandwidth from 100GB to to 200 GB per month. This will allow you to store twice as much data and handle twice as much traffic to your site.


Pro increases your backup retention from 7 to 30 days. This provides more restore points and greater peace of mind in the event you need to perform a restore of your website.

Caching & CDN

Our file caching and global Content Delivery Network (CDN) add-on that is provided in our Pro package will drastically reduce the load time of your website and provide for a faster user experience.

Forms Licensing

Our Pro package includes licensing for Gravity Forms. Packed with tons of time-saving tools & features, Gravity Forms is the only WordPress form management plugin you will ever need.

Free Domain Renewals

With Pro, Onsharp will update and renew your domain name each year, cover the annual cost of the renewal, and manage your DNS hosting records.

Broken Link Monitoring

With Pro, Onsharp will monitor your website 24x7 for broken links and fix them for you automatically, helping your site's SEO rank and maintaining credibility with your website visitors.

How can I upgrade from Standard to Pro?

If you're already a customer of our Website Essentials Standard Program, you can upgrade to Pro by simply submitting a support ticket with your request. A member of our support team will follow up with you to help get the process started.